Pemantapan dan Pengukuhan Pengakian Fiqh Syafi'i di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi: Satu Penilaian, Pemerhatian Tulus dan Pengalaman
This article is intended to highlight the approach of "sullam al-ta'alum" and explain its impotrance in the context of studying fiqh at the higher learning instituation. Attemps and efforts at strengthening the study of fiqh should be among the main focus of muslim scholars, especially lecturers at the universities. In this regard, from the early days of Islam, Many great ulama had laid great emphasis on the approach of the so-called "sullam al-ta'allum" in studying Islamic sciences. Through the approach of "sullam al-ta'alum" various selected great works on fiqh will be introduced to the students and will become the main reference sources throughout their study.