The Trends of Endodontic and Prosthodontic Treatment by Postgraduate Students in University of Malaya
Trend, fixed prosthodontics, primary endodontics, secondary endodonticsAbstract
This study is aimed to provide an insight into the types of treatment carried out by postgraduate students in the past 10 years. A retrospective study was carried out between November 2019 and February 2020 by deriving data from postgraduate students’ clinical logbooks of three different cohorts of Master of Clinical Dentistry (Restorative Dentistry in Conservative Dentistry) in 2010, 2013 and 2016. This retrospective data was systematically extracted from the records and tabulated categorically using an Excel spreadsheet (Microsoft Office Excel 2019). A descriptive analysis was carried out to further evaluate the results. Overall, the types of treatment carried out in the field of endodontics and fixed prosthodontics has changed in the past 10 years. An increasing trend is seen in the placement of all ceramic crowns and primary root canal treatment procedures, while a decreasing pattern is evident for secondary root canal procedures and placement of dental bridges.
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