Superoxide Dismutase Expression in the Ovaries of Periodontitis Animal Models Induced by Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treated with Cassava Leaves Extract
The ovaries represent the female reproductive organs that determine the women's fertility status and their systemic and oral health, correlating to sex steroid hormone alteration. This study aimed to investigate the effect of cassava leaves extract treatment to SOD expression in the animal model-ovaries after Porphyromonas gingivalis injection. 15 female Sprague Dawley rats were used and divided into five groups: (1) control without cassava leaves extract treatment (C); (2) P. gingivalis without cassava leaves extract treatment (T1); (3) P. gingivalis and cassava leaves extract (T2); (4) P. gingivalis and vitamin C (T3); and (5) P. gingivalis and metronidazole (T4). Animal were euthanised at day seven after the initial treatment to collect ovaries. The ovaries sections were immunohistochemically stained to quantify SOD expression using light microscope while the Image J software was used to quantify the SOD expression. The results showed that all of the follicle types had the same intensity of SOD expression. Most of the follicles exhibited low intensity of SOD expression, except for atretic follicles. In conclusion, P. gingivalis and cassava leaves extract influenced SOD expression in the ovaries of animal models, which increased the SOD expression.
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