Journal Description
Journal of Al-Tamaddun is an international refereed academic journal published by the Department of Islamic History And Civilization, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. The Journal started with one issue per year, but now it is published biannually from 2012 onward (in June and December). Among of its aims is to be a platform for academicians to contribute and share their research works and writings regarding Islamic history and civilization. Furthermore, it aims to foster excellent research particularly in this area. It is a peer review and open access journal. It publishes articles and research papers pertaining history, civilization, thought, system and development from Islamic perspective in Malay, English and Arabic. The Journal is indexed by Emerging Sources Citation Index, Index Islamicus, EBSCOhost, UlrichsWeb, Open J-Gate, DOAJ, Malaysian Citation Index (MyCITE), Asean Citation Index (ACI) and Scopus.
Current Issue
Vol. 19 No. 2 (2024)
Published: December 30, 2024